Foggy Bottom Title Loans
When you are faced with financial liabilities and are having trouble gathering enough cash, you can rely on us to get you the funds you need. Don’t rely on a slow and outdated bank or credit union. Use our fast online title loan services to get pre-approved in under 15 minutes and have the cash in your bank account in under 24 hours.
What Is A Car Title Loan?
A car title loan is a loan that uses your vehicle’s title as collateral. The amount of your loan is based on the market value of the vehicle. Your approval is based on your current ability to repay the loan and is not based on your credit score.
Common Questions
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that we get. If you have any more questions or concerns, please give us a call today. We would love to help you.
What Are The Requirements?
The requirements for a car title loan vary depending on which financial institution you go with. Luckily, we offer the easiest requirements around. These requirements include you being at least 18 years old and making $1,500 per month. The final requirement is that the car title is lien-free.
Do I Have To Have Good Credit?
No, we do not require credit scores at all. Instead of looking at your financial history, we look at your current ability to meet your payments as well as the value of your vehicle.
How Long Does It Take To Get The Money?
Residents that apply today can get money in their bank account in as little as 24 hours. The money will go through as a direct deposit into your checking or savings account.
Can I Drive My Vehicle?
Yes, you still get 100% access to your vehicle while paying off your loan. We will just take your vehicle’s title until the loan is completely paid off.
How Much Money Can I Borrow?
Car title loans are one of the easiest ways to get the cash you need quickly. We usually do not lend out more than $50,000 but the overall amount is dependent on the value of your vehicle.
Apply Today, Get Cash Tomorrow
Local residents in need of fast cash can rely on us to get them the best Foggy Bottom title loan around. Our team of lenders will customize a loan that is convenient for you based on your current situation. Give us a call or fill out our online application form.